Remizova Lyubov
Multidisciplinary artist. Born in Moscow in 1983. Lives and works in Moscow and Thailand (Bangkok/Samui). Graduated from the Joseph Backstein Institute of Contemporary Art and NSU. Yaroslav the Wise, Faculty of Design. His works are in private collections in Russia, Asia and the USA.

Artist statement
The subject of my research is the problematic of the relationship between local and global contexts, questions of identity and local belonging, the phenomenological sense of home as an unalienated and safe space. Through this, I seek to analyze the formation of the image of the Other and identity as such, formed, among other things, under the influence of socio-cultural, economic-political factors and generational trauma. I also study how social conflicts affect the creation of collective history and the reflection of its narratives in the individual. My identity was formed by the Soviet and post-Soviet contexts and was then transformed under the influence of various cultural environments.
As a result, I have first-hand experience
of the phenomenon of "cultural erasure" and changing identity. In my projects, I try to understand how people affected by globalization and historical collisions
reflect the experience of the past, whether it can be replaced by an alternative experience, how personal and social memory works in such a case, and how that which connects collectivities can manifest itself.
I work at the intersection of various media, such as public art, installation, sculpture, painting, and ceramics. Using such a comprehensive approach, I strive to emphasize the complexity and versatility
of both any local social environment and an individual.

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