"As far back as I can remember, I have always used drawing to convey my feelings: numerous animals, kingdoms and representatives of the royal family (mostly princes and princesses) colored with crayons in childhood; "slate" fears, discoveries and the whole range of new feelings and sensations in adolescence; pencil portraits of loved ones later.
But then I discovered color, tempera, canvas, oil...
At first, it was a timid acquaintance with the textures of paints on album sheets. But very soon I realized: to convey those feelings, that power of the world born in my head, the boundaries of A4 are not enough
I cannot say that these works are one hundred percent mine. I am more of a performer than a creator, since future paintings suddenly arise in my imagination, rather than me nurturing an unformed idea in my head for a long time. And as soon as a picture appears before my eyes, I am captivated by it: I cannot do anything else or think about anything else until the picture is seen light.
I always have the feeling that the next finished painting is alive: I feel with my whole body the "breath" of the space that has appeared on the sheet of paper or canvas. I want to believe that this is not a subjective perception, and you also feel these vibrations of the "parallel" world that attracts you...
Lana Bergh
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